Contrary to common belief, piranhas do not eat only live food. In fact, they do not just eat meat. Piranhas are omnivores, which means that they can eat anything (meats and vegetables.) It is important to keep your diet varied piranha. Piranha can be taught to eat dead food. When the piranha eating dead, probably best to splash around a bit (to mimic the behavior of living) long enough to attract the attention of your piranha. When eating piranhas your life, it is very important to understand the risks. Many feeders are in poor health, and can carry diseases that can pass on your piranha. Be sure to quarantine any live feed before feeding them to your piranhas.
obligatory feeders (small fish, pinkies, frogs, etc. ..)
Small Insects
Piranha fish are not too picky when it comes to food. They will eat anything edible that was dropped into the tank. If you just buy a piranha and they do not eat, do not worry. It may take you piranhas minutes before they start eating. Piranha take time before they feel comfortable and get acquainted with their new environment, so they may not eat much during the first few days or even weeks. There are several things you can do to help speed up this process. You can:
[December 2005] Seven thousand feet, into the abyss of the Black Sea, where a hand full of shipwrecks, dating back to 3900 BC, about a hundred years after the destruction of the Great Tower at Kura, still, is where I 'm taking you; where some major flooding occurs. Bottom line currents of the ocean water,, water surface eons of time, John Michael Walsh, an archaeologist, a mini-submarine from colleagues investigating this gulf suspicious.
"What happened to this ship," he asked himself, which he had just discovered, discover and ponder?
These are just a few months earlier, in all these areas he found branches, wood and waste for the most part (so he tells me), along with polished stones, yes there is a civilization here long ago he concluded, along the sea beach is great, yes there is war in the middle of the ocean is possible, he tells himself: the ship was there. And yes there is a flood, to the surface of the water there. And here he is in, the heart of the sea, where he found a ship, the dark like that, it has a beam of light from his submarine, so he saw all that is needed to see; signs visible decorative tools, boards and ceramic amphorae, jars, old jars and wine.
He knew archaeologists have long been interested in the Black Sea, but he is the founder of ancient ships, he also knew the story, the legend I have to say: Great Tower at Kura. Maybe this is the merchant ships escorted by warships, so it seemed to him. He was taking a video a few geographic areas. Contemplating his mind for a while, staring into the darkness around the ship, ancient sea floor.
As he looked around, he saw part of the Great Tower to his amazement, thus, the legend is true. But how the towers were destroyed were destroyed. What could happen? And he moves through the water. He found a nickel, and iron, large and small, all of the territory; tantalizing evidence of extraterrestrial cause, or root of this mystery, or maybe it was an earthquake, but he suddenly shifted his thoughts back to where they were, even so , even if the quake happened, how it is triggered, it eliminated 90% of everything, or at least everything in this region of the world: it should have. This asteroid or comet that hit, most likely an asteroid he concluded: it is, or has the effect of this is 100,000 times larger that the strongest known earthquake. "Yes, yes," he said, '... but this brought down the Tower, bringing the sea to the present structure, and bring the ship to its depth: 7000-foot?
Including the family of hermit crabs and crustaceans are found in the intertidal zone. They are not true crabs. This creature has a soft belly protected by empty shells carried on their backs. Shells will be people from the Dead Sea snails and mollusks. There are about 500 species of hermit crabs and most of them is water. It differs in size, shape, and can be found primarily in salt water.
They can be grown at home also in the fish tank or pond. It serves the purpose of ornamental aquarium. It is interesting to watch the drag along the shell crab on its back and retract completely when it senses danger. Children will love watching the movers of the hermit crabs in the fish tank glass. You can grow them along with other fish in the tank. These creatures can grow as pets and are easy to care for them. They do not require as much attention as any other aquarium pets. Another reason why this is considered good pets is that they live for a rather long period of time such as 20 to 30 years.
If you plan to buy a hermit crab tank for your house, then you can buy from your local aquarium store or order it online. Before ordering, get to know about the different varieties available, their food and living habits, colors, and decide which ones will work best for you. Sometimes, you may want to hermit crab-large for your tank. Take all these factors into consideration when purchasing your pet crab. Sometimes aquarium stores offering them for sale. This will be the best time to buy them because you can get them at discount prices. Keep watch out for advertisements announcing the sale.
Some stores offer to sell hermit crab kit for a discounted price. Kits can include a special small tank for the crabs, gravel, food, and other aquarium accessories that you need to hermit-crab. Do a thorough inspection of the entire kit before you actually buy it. And if you do not buy the kit but the crab only, then you must make arrangements for all the accessories necessary to make a hermit crab to feel at home and adjust to new surroundings easily.
This is a beautiful creature and can beautify your aquarium, can serve as pets for your children, and requires very less attention. So they are the best aquarium pet and can be stored at home without spending much money on her care. Eating them will require some understanding about food and food habits.
It is easy to buy hermit crabs for sale. You can choose from a wide range and get them at discount prices. If lucky, the sales kit will include all hermit crabs, too.
Plants that are significant to the balance and beauty of the aquarium. They are unsurpassed in completeness that they offer to set up fresh water.
What plants do is give a background to your tank looks good, but it is important to leave room for the fish to swim behind them. Some types of plants look better in different settings, high, thin look better in a row, while plants with the best hair planted in a circular group.
For visual appeal is also important that the water level in the aquarium does not fall under the iron corner of the tank, so it seems there is no water in the tank. When the audience can see above the water level it looks like the tank has water in it.
All plants differ in the amount of light they need, when calculated with the other combinations are impossible to come up with the amount of light that will always work. Therefore it is a matter of trial and error to get the amount of light you need. Once is not enough light to let your plants will not grow enough, but too much light will turn your water green.
Not only do you have to use artificial lights though. If you use natural lighting ideal way to do this is to place the aquarium near a window facing north. You do not want direct sunlight, reflected sunlight will offer a good amount of light.
Lighting fixtures look great when they are placed in a wooden housing on top of the tank. If you are using only artificial light then you will need to have the lights for about eight to twelve hours per day. For best effect, try to have a light into the tank from behind.
People who live a very stress better with an aquarium in their home. Studies have shown that people who suffer from high blood pressure, insomnia, and stress are kept at home aquariums have lower stress levels and lowers blood pressure. They also tend to sleep better than people who do not maintain an aquarium at home.
Of course, before you learn about aquariums and install one in your home, you need to know some basic stuff like your right to choose an aquarium air pump or a tank that will help you maintain your aquarium with ease.
1. Tank. It is important that before you install a new tank, you must make sure that it does not leak. However, if you use the old tank (leak does not matter) but you need to make sure everything is cleaned before you enter the water and your new fish. If possible, sterilize the tank so if there is any sick fish occupy it, "virus" will not be caught by your new fish.
2. Aquarium air pump. This is a very important component of your aquarium because the pump responsible for aerating the water. The bubbles are released from an aquarium air pump moves the water surface, allowing water to pick up oxygen. Aquarium air pumps vary greatly in design and the pressure which is why you should choose the right tank pump for your aquarium depends on the depth of your aquarium and the whole "landscape." Of course, you do not have to sacrifice fashion for functionality. You should also remember that the fish tank pump can enter the interior design of your tank.
A dirty fish tank is not only an eyesore - it is also a health hazard to your fish, to yourself, or to your family. It is important to clean your fish tank regularly and keep water conditions perfect for your pet fish. Cleaning your aquarium filter is one of the critical steps. The three types of filters - mechanical, biological, and chemical--require different maintenance regimens.
Mechanical filters
Mechanical filters, which usually include pads or sponges, can be maintained by rinsing the pads every so often, depending on the level of nitrates and stocking system of the aquarium. The higher the levels, the more often the sponges need to be cleaned. Generally, you can rinse the pad or sponge every other week. It is beneficial to rinse the sponge with aquarium water so that beneficial bacteria are not lost.
Chemical Filters
The most common aquarium filter is activated carbon. It removes odors and aquarium coloration and absorbs dissolved medication and organics. You'll know when to replace activated carbon when the clarity of the water begins to diminish or when odor is becoming evident. Activated carbon is usually effective from one to two months. filters
Biological filters usually have limited maintenance so that the beneficial bacteria can be preserved. The important thing about maintaining biological filters is to make sure that the mechanical and chemical filters are working properly so that the water is filtered of debris that may clog the biological filters. This is why the biological filter is placed after the mechanical and chemical filters. Should the biological filters acquire debris, it should be carefully rinsed with aquarium water