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[December 2005] Seven thousand feet, into the abyss of the Black Sea, where a hand full of shipwrecks, dating back to 3900 BC, about a hundred years after the destruction of the Great Tower at Kura, still, is where I 'm taking you; where some major flooding occurs. Bottom line currents of the ocean water,, water surface eons of time, John Michael Walsh, an archaeologist, a mini-submarine from colleagues investigating this gulf suspicious.
"What happened to this ship," he asked himself, which he had just discovered, discover and ponder?
These are just a few months earlier, in all these areas he found branches, wood and waste for the most part (so he tells me), along with polished stones, yes there is a civilization here long ago he concluded, along the sea beach is great, yes there is war in the middle of the ocean is possible, he tells himself: the ship was there. And yes there is a flood, to the surface of the water there. And here he is in, the heart of the sea, where he found a ship, the dark like that, it has a beam of light from his submarine, so he saw all that is needed to see; signs visible decorative tools, boards and ceramic amphorae, jars, old jars and wine.
He knew archaeologists have long been interested in the Black Sea, but he is the founder of ancient ships, he also knew the story, the legend I have to say: Great Tower at Kura. Maybe this is the merchant ships escorted by warships, so it seemed to him. He was taking a video a few geographic areas. Contemplating his mind for a while, staring into the darkness around the ship, ancient sea floor.
As he looked around, he saw part of the Great Tower to his amazement, thus, the legend is true. But how the towers were destroyed were destroyed. What could happen? And he moves through the water. He found a nickel, and iron, large and small, all of the territory; tantalizing evidence of extraterrestrial cause, or root of this mystery, or maybe it was an earthquake, but he suddenly shifted his thoughts back to where they were, even so , even if the quake happened, how it is triggered, it eliminated 90% of everything, or at least everything in this region of the world: it should have. This asteroid or comet that hit, most likely an asteroid he concluded: it is, or has the effect of this is 100,000 times larger that the strongest known earthquake. "Yes, yes," he said, '... but this brought down the Tower, bringing the sea to the present structure, and bring the ship to its depth: 7000-foot?

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